Sitio da Camara Municipal de Lisboa
Hibashira intervention in the Lóios pavillion - Marvila

By the initiative of the Parish Council of Marvila, the artist Hibashira, with the support of the GAU, gave color and movement to the walls of the Sports Pavilion of Lóios in Marvila.

In the words of the artist, nothing better than to represent the sports that are practiced there, drawing athletes without expression, so that everyone can imagine in those positions, in full action.

We show some of the work in progress, before we unveil the final work.


More info on the artist:

Hibashira, or Hbsr81, works on a conceptual approach in its dynamic visual language, full of avant-garde references and Japanese-inspired contours that come to life in painting but also in areas of graphic and digital creation. He became known for his skill with which he conquered the public domain, in the spread of fast and elementary forms, in the most extreme aspect of graffiti. It has also broken barriers with multidisciplinary actions, focused on the research and exploration of new graphic and visual supports, such as animation, illustration and graphic design.